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You Need a Mid-Year Check Up!

We are a couple weeks shy of the middle of the year. Crazy, right? I was reflecting on the beginning of this year and all that has happened in the few short months of 2022. There are so many things going on in this world right now at large and all the things going on in our individual lives it’s easy to forget to check in with ourselves. 

I recently completed a mid year check up and walked away with two areas of focus. I think we all need a Mid-Year Check Up. No, I’m not suggesting a check up with your doctor (unless, of course you haven’t had one in a while!), what I am suggesting is a self reflection check up. July 2, will put us at the exact midpoint of the year so if we complete our check-up now, we will have the rest of the year to be intentional and pour into the areas of our lives where we find we are in need of a tune up.

And no, I am not saying set mid year resolutions, I personally am not a big fan of resolutions. Something about a resolution feels like you are on a timeline and will be graded later. I don’t know about you, but I have enough pressure in  my life without adding more under the veil of a resolution. However, I do have general themes I like to have as guideposts. Guideposts can serve as a sign for the general direction a person is traveling. 

After completing my check in my guideposts are pointing me in the direction of HEALTH.


One way I am focusing on my mental health is my constant pursuit of establishing and enforcing my boundaries. Establishing and supporting your own boundaries really is the key to a good life. Once you know what you will and won’t accept or do, your life can be so peaceful. I know that I am not the best in this area, the guidepost here to keep trying.

Another way I am focusing on my mental health is by doing more of what I love. I love to read; I’ve often also convinced myself that I don’t have time to read leisurely. But no more of that, I have 6 books currently waiting on me and I will prioritize this activity because it brings me joy.

The final area I want to focus on, after my midyear check up, is rest. We don’t have to earn rest, we don’t have to complete all the tasks on the to-do list in order to be worthy of our rest. I will rest when I want to, because I can and I will.


My physical health took a dive after fracturing my ankle, but following my mid-year check up I have decided to embrace what I can do and stop focusing on what I can’t. So I’m working to get back to me by adding weekly exercise into my routine. I am keeping things simple, I am incorporating more steps into my day by taking my pup for short walks and trying to add the gym back into my routine 2-3 times a week.

Making smarter choices with the food I eat. I have a love/love/love relationship with sugary treats. And I get it, trust me I know….it’s not the best for me physically but I am not advocating for eliminating the things we love. I will however make smarter choices with the food I eat, never depriving myself of what I enjoy but also not over indulging. 

Now it’s your turn! Go out and get your mid-year check up taken care of and figure out your areas of intention for the next few months.
